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Online Reviews

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Spectacular Earring Purchase...

I've been buying diamond jewelry from Good Old Gold for 7 years. Their team is the best in the world at finding the most beautiful diamonds at a great value. I recently worked with Matt to buy 2ct diamond earrings for my wife. When she wore them to work her colleague said: "I'm sorry, what? I can't tear my eyes away from your gorgeous earrings"

- W.A. - Seattle, WA

The most stunning ring that I have ever seen!

The August Vintage 5 stone diamond ring that I got online from Good Old Gold is the most stunning ring that I have ever seen! Purchasing online was a little scary, but the pictures that Darren sent to me were very reassuring. You can tell he cares about his clients’ satisfaction because he took the time to explain to me the difference between selecting white gold vs platinum for my band. Good Old Golds’ partner, Vatche, custom made the prettiest platinum lattice band – it really emphasizes the 5 diamonds. Handling the final payment of the ring (which had numerous glitches on my end) was Lynda who was very patient and so friendly on the phone with me. It was so nice working with both Darren and Lynda and I hope to do business with Good Old Gold again one day soon!

- Cheryl
Centreville, Virginia

Thanks for the great service

Dear Lynda, The items arrived safely yesterday morning in Singapore, beautiful eye candies as expected Once more... thanks for the great service You can expect more purchases from me in the coming years‼ Cheers

- SL, Singapore

It looks absolutely amazing!

I just received the ring, it looks absolutely amazing! By far exceeded my expectations. Thank you again for your help with everything, looking forward to doing business with you in the future.

- Chris

Good old Gold provides a level of service rarely seen since the Good old Days!

The phenomenal customer support your team provides is commensurate with how important and special purchasing a diamond really is. I wholeheartedly appreciate all that you folks did in making this online diamond shopping experience both safe and fun! It's fair to say that Good old Gold provides a level of service rarely seen since the Good old Days! Alright enough sound bites,

- John B, Canada

I received the ring and it is absolutely stunning!

Sarah & Good Old Gold, I really want to thank you for all your assistance in guiding me through this important purchase. Between visiting the store and emails, you were so helpful and informative, not once did I ever feel pressured or uncomfortable with the idea of purchasing through you guys! I received the ring and it is absolutely stunning! It has exceeded any and all expectations! I can't imagine having gone through any company other than Good Old Gold. From start to finish the entire process was nothing short of spectacular! Please pass along my gratitude to the rest of the team as well as Darren for completing the shipment portion. Thanks so much!

- Kevin L

I will not hesitate to put my own reputation on the line.

Where to start? Firstly let me say that I could not possibly be happier with the August Vintage Cushion diamond, the custom Timeless Designs setting, and above all the customer service that I received from Stephanie and David at Good Old Gold. My engagement ring search began in earnest more than a year ago. I scoured the globe – literally and figuratively – to find the perfect diamond for the woman I have now asked to be my wife. On my hunt, I went to retail jewelers, wholesale diamond dealers, and just about every website on the internet. I travel quite a lot for work, so I was fortunate to be able to put my “eyes on target” in a variety of stores in San Diego, Los Angeles, Houston, Amsterdam, and New York City. After having nearly every trick in the book thrown at me to manipulate me into making a stupid decision with my hard earned money, I was thrilled when I reached out to Jonathan’s team in Massapequa and found them to be highly knowledgeable, direct, fair, and most important to me - honest. I originally discovered GOG through a search on I quickly became curious about the cushion cuts GOG advertised because they were a bit dearer in terms of dollars per carat than those available at other sources. So I searched through the GOG website and of course, watched quite a number of Jonathan’s highly informative videos. My turn to be honest: I was suspicious at first that the videos might just be clever videography featuring a charismatic talker… so I arranged to view some of the diamonds first-hand when in NYC on a business trip. Wow was I wrong - the AVC diamonds look even more exquisite in person than they do in the videos! The digital recordings - which are outstanding – still can’t possibly do justice to the aesthetics of these stones in terms of its effect on the human eye when viewed live. So let’s be very clear: many of the diamonds GOG offers are not the cheapest on the market if you just look blindly at statistics like clarity, color, and carats. But between the sheer beauty of the AVC cut and the above-and-beyond service, in my opinion, I got more for my money at Good Old Gold than I could anywhere else, period. My (now) fiancée is not the type to want a big gaudy stone, so in the end, I went smaller in carats and higher quality in terms of clarity and color. To each their own of course, but to me, there’s something pretty special about telling her she has an “internally flawless” diamond on her finger… and that mattered more to me than size. So with David’s diligent help, I selected the stone that I was convinced was perfect, a .76 G IF AVC. Then it was time to find the right setting, and so entered Stephanie. GOG has hundreds of finely crafted & beautiful ring settings ready-made in the store, and at prices to meet any budget. I am certain my lady would have been more than happy with any of them, but I really wanted her to have something uniquely her own. Stephanie was a great resource to guide me in crafting a custom setting that was built to my exacting specifications. I did my best to test her limits of both patience and knowledge, but I couldn’t find such limits anywhere! After assessing my perspective on my intended’s style and taste in jewelry, and pointing out a number of design elements that may work in that context, Stephanie did quick work getting the design together. After a couple of days, I received the CAD drawings. I had a couple of tweaks to make and some questions I wanted to be clarified… and within a few hours of submitting those points, I had phone calls and emails from Stephanie covering everything in detail. Wow, what service! After giving my final approval, I received the ring within 3 weeks. I imagine Stephanie could have had it expedited it if needed, but fortunately, I wasn’t in a situation where I needed it any faster than that. When I received the shipment I could not wait to open it. I was delighted to find that every detail was exactly as we had discussed. From the delicate halo to the pave side diamonds, to the detailed milgraining, to the trellis head setting... these folks nailed it 100%! Along with the ring came the original copy of the AGS Certification, a highly detailed appraisal of the diamond & setting, a 10x loupe, a handsome rosewood box, and some information regarding where to go for jewelry insurance. I took the diamond ring to a trusted local jeweler to make sure the diamond matched all the specifications as I had observed them in New York, and to a reputable appraiser for a second opinion. The local appraiser’s feedback went something like, “I have been in this business for 30 years, and I look at diamonds all day every day. Tonight, I will go home and tell my wife about the beauty of this stone. Thank you for sharing it with me.” When I finally asked for my then girlfriend's hand and presented her with the ring at Schloss Neuschwanstein in Southern Bavaria, her exact response was, “YES, YES, YES, YES, YES!!!!!” Enough said. :-) One unexpected bonus: my fiancée works in health care and is around a lot of doctors who can afford to know the difference between good and great. One day she came home from work just beaming, and said: “Dr. such-and-such looked really closely at my diamond today, and afterward he complimented me profusely on what a gorgeous cut this is!!!” I could go on and on with all manner of positive feedback. Suffice it to say this: anytime I have family or friends who are looking for an engagement ring or other fine jewelry, I will not hesitate to put my own reputation on the line and tell them to visit Good Old Gold. Thank you, Stephanie, David, and the whole Good Old Gold Team for your outstanding service and guidance through what otherwise could have been a very intimidating process. Kindest Regards,

- Jared

Made me feel like an important possible customer right off the bat.

I heard about you guys by looking on the Internet at places like Blue Nile and James Allen. And checking out the cheap prices on Costco. I started trying to figure out how in the world I could tell cut quality on a princess cut and googled that. I started watching all your guys videos and really liked all the information that was shared. I emailed about a setting I liked and heard back from Marie right away. This made me feel like an important possible customer right off the bat. I received a few prices and stuff but thought I'd have to make my money stretch further and buy from Costco. But after seeing a video of the diamonds I was interested in from u guys and then truly trying to compare apples to apples the price difference wasn't that much and with all the info and personal service, I was given from u guys it became an easy decision. Well as easy as finding a ring that represents your lifelong commitment can be! I'm hoping the rest of the process goes this well and I'm excited to receive the ring and really look it over. Thank you

- Brian G

Magical thanks to your company's incredible diamonds and superlative service.

Dear Sarah, Thank you so much for your feedback. My fiancé purchased the diamond yesterday and it arrived this morning via FedEx. We are beyond thrilled with it! The color and light performance is stunning and it was absolutely eye clean to my novice eyes. This was more than I expected & could have hoped for - truly, I had to hunt diligently to catch a tiny glimpse of the inclusions very close up to my eye and only really saw them via the loupe your company kindly sent with the diamond. I am also thrilled with the generous face-up dimensions of this cushion for its carat weight, which rival (and in some cases surpass) the more commonly cut 1-carat cushions we have looked at before. We looked at the diamond in all sorts of light and had to tear ourselves away to go back to work! I really couldn't be more thrilled. We also want to thank you for your company's excellent service, and for the extensive information, you provided in the folder that accompanied the diamond. We feel extremely confident that we made the right decision buying from your company - the exquisite cut and quality of the diamond, the appraised value of the diamond versus our cost, the professionalism and attention to every detail evidenced by your staff, and the incredibly fast shipping. We are stunned - wow! I want you to know that I am *raving* about your company to my friends and definitely referring my brother to you, as he keeps dropping hints about getting engaged soon. :) My mother now wants to know if you also work with rubies, as she is looking for an excellent ruby in the near future. Do you work in other gems, or could you refer us to a trusted colleague who does? (GOG's Reply: "GOG does work with other types of stones.) Thank you so very much. You've made a special experience unforgettable and magical thanks to your company's incredible diamonds and superlative service.

- Adrianne

Was truly a great experience!

As I recall I was on a Swedish wedding site ( with a discussion board, and people were discussing benefits and costs of importing jewelry from abroad. I think most people had experience with BlueNile and James Allen, but one person also recommended Whiteflash and Good Old Gold. She stated that GOG had the better personal service and that they were good at handpicking diamonds for their customers. At the same time, I believe I happened to run into your excellent videos on Vimeo and YouTube, searching for information on H&A-stones. Then I went to Pricescope and Rockytalk for research, as Good Old Gold is almost unknown to Swedish people. So that's how we found you. Wanna know why we stayed with you? In the end, there were a few things that made us chose your company: the personal feeling, or should I say feeling of real people behind the curtains (e.g. the extensive information material, the pictures, the videos and of course the low-tech, homemade-kind-of-looking web page); the honest and humble approach; the many rings and settings to chose from. And last, the excellent service and swift communication. Update after the ring was delivered!! We were positively surprised when we saw the ring, to say the least. The heck, why say the least, I'll say it all: the ring was magnificent, it was so much more than we had expected, and we did expect a lot. The platinum ring and setting are beautiful, both in detail, symmetry, and color, and the stone you picked for us is stunning. It just won't stop shinning! First of all, it's a lot bigger than we thought it would be, still perfect in size for the setting, and it sparkles all the time. When the sun is out we can't believe it. So we wanna thank you a lot for helping is choosing a ring and a stone - you nailed it. And we were concerned about shopping online, but this was truly a great experience! Best regards, Jon & Lovisa

- Jon & Lovisa, Sweden

Holy Smokes that's a bright diamond!!

The packaging, etc, was fantastic and I could not see any damage. Once I opened the box, my amateur opinion was "Holy Smokes that's a bright diamond!!". I never saw any stones in my local stores that could come anywhere close. Hopefully, she will love it as much as I do! Thanks, Brian K.

- Brian

Totally wonderful experience dealing with GOG

Hello Vicki / Sarah / Darren, I have just received my ring today and It looks absolutely stunning! I'm sure my girlfriend (and hopefully wife to be) will be just so thrilled and absolutely delighted upon seeing it! I'd like to express my greatest appreciation for the effort, time and patience shown by each and every one of you involved in making this happen. On my part, I must say that I have been pleasantly surprised by the high level of service and proficiency I experienced during each step of the purchase: from Sarah helping with the sales and pricing, as well as recommendations on the setting, Darren with the pictures of the stone, right down to Vicki with the payment and shipping details. It truly has been a totally wonderful experience dealing with GOG and I would not hesitate to recommend you guys to anyone looking around for a stone. Again sincerely, Thank You. Wish me luck! Best Regards, Conrad

- Conrad

The entire process was nothing short of spectacular!

Sarah & Good Old Gold, I really want to thank you for all your assistance in guiding me through this important purchase. Between visiting the store and emails, you were so helpful and informative, not once did I ever feel pressured or uncomfortable with the idea of purchasing through you guys! I received the ring and it is absolutely stunning! It has exceeded any and all expectations! I can't imagine having gone through any company other than Good Old Gold. From start to finish the entire process was nothing short of spectacular! Please pass along my gratitude to the rest of the team as well as Darren for completing the shipment portion. Thanks so much! Kevin L.

- Kevin

GOG through YouTube is a fantastic way!

I discovered Good Old Gold through YouTube and have been watching Jonathan's videos for over a year now. I was searching 'diamond characteristics' and 'princess cuts' when GOG popped up and I watched my first Solasfera video. From there I went on to read some forum entries about the GOG business and later found Vimeo. Living in Australia, it is hard to find an overseas business without doing a broad Google search - GOG through YouTube is a fantastic way! And once viewing and taking on board the information Jonathan's videos gave; it completely turned my view away from Australian Jewelers to your business. I haven't looked back!

- Rowan, NSW Australia

Diamond is absolutely beautiful!

I received the package yesterday morning and just wanted to say thank you. The diamond is absolutely beautiful and I greatly appreciate how comfortable everyone there made me throughout the selection and purchasing process.

- Dane

It turned out absolutely perfect!!

I just wanted to say Thank you, I received my engagement ring today, and it turned out absolutely perfect!! From the diamond to the actually setting, it really couldn't be any better. What sold me originally on Good Old Gold were recommendations from Pricescope, and then once on the website the magnified pictures, the ASET images, and the YouTube videos. Buying a Diamond sight unseen via the internet can be a somewhat challenging task. However, seeing a review of the actual diamond done by Jonathan in a video (2 actually) I was considering, sold me. It made me feel comfortable with the purchase, and was about just as good as seeing it in person. A no pressure scenario where I could review the diamond over and over was great. You guys had by far the best media of the diamond of any website on the internet. From there I placed the order, and the experience continued to be positive. Matt and Marie were both very helpful and prompt in helping me place the order, and made sure I could the exact setting I wanted in my tight time frame. Once complete, Darren promptly let me know, and shipped it out right away. It made it today, and like I said, it is exactly perfect. I just wanted to say thank you for a great experience.

- Peter, NJ

The ring is perfect and the team at GOG played a big part in that perfection.

Evening Good Old Good team, I really don't know where to start. I picked up the ring today and it was breath taking. As the average twenty-something guy, I won't pretend for a second to know the slightest thing about jewelry. But today I was like a kid on Christmas morning waiting eagerly for the ring to arrive, and the moment I opened that little wooden box I knew I'd make the right choice (as an aside, the packaging of the ring itself was amazing, took me a long time to get into but protected the precious cargo!) I'll admit I was initially hesitant making such a purchase online without having seen it with my own eyes, but the courtesy and professionalism of everyone at GOG put me at ease from day one. Every members of the team was kind and patient, responding to my emails and many nagging questions quicker than I ever could have imagined. The ring is perfect and the team at GOG played a big part in that perfection. I won't hesitate for a moment to recommend your business to my friends and family, and look forward to dealing with you all in the future. Many thanks, Cheers

- Jay

Quality of product, knowledge, and customer service.

We wanted to let you know we received the ring today and it looks fantastic! Thank you so much for helping through the process of replacing my wife’s stone. The Vatche setting looks brand new too! She is very excited and beyond words to say the least! Thanks again for your quality of product, knowledge, and customer service. We greatly appreciate it!

- Shaun and Kari Sims, Massapequa Park, NY

Good Old Gold has earned my full respect and admiration.

Dear Charles, Lynda, Darren and Vicki... Thank you for making the purchase of my engagement ring such a comfortable experience. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would purchase an engagement ring online. Your patience, dedication, keen attention to detail and friendliness eased my doubts and allowed me to place my trust in you. My fiancee LOVES her ring. She can't stop talking about it and shows it to everyone she meets. It really is perfect. EXACTLY what I was hoping it would be. Words really can't describe how satisfied I am with my purchase. Good Old Gold has earned my full respect and admiration. I look forward to working with you all again in the near future.

- Javier, Spokane, WA

Would highly recommend this business to anyone.

I purchased a solitaire diamond engagement ring on-line from GOG. It is absolutely STUNNING and has since been valued at significantly more than I paid for it (!!). The staff at GOG are fabulous, they promptly answered all my questions via email, and provided me with great advice when it came to choosing a setting. I'll certainly be using GOG for future purchases and would highly recommend this business to anyone.

- Nick, Adelaide, South Australia